Transcription Services # 1: A Brief History
Transcription is a service that takes spoken words and puts them on paper by means of typing.
Do you remember what it was like to do transcription 30 plus years ago? I remember the very first time I performed transcription some 30 odd years ago. I was a Unit Clerk at a nursing home and fresh out of high school. Transcription was a lot different back then. If you are as old as I am then you will remember cassette recorders. The doctor would speak the notes into a cassette recorder and then I would play it back using a foot pedal to play, rewind, and fast forward while I typed on a very clunky typewriter.
When I first started doing transcription the arms would get stuck together and I would have to stop to unlock them. If I made a typo I had to stop typing, use correction fluid to cover the typo, blow on it to dry, and then backspace and type the correct letter.
Transcription today is so much simpler. Any computer, a software transcription program, a foot pedal is optional based on your needs and software, the ability to type quickly and accurately while listening and your all set. If I make a typo I simply highlight the text or backspace and type it over. Playing, fast forwarding, etc. I now use hot keys for which allows me to continue typing smoothly the entire time. No stopping and starting. Yes, transcription has definitely changed and for the better.
There are a few different types of transcription services and many uses. To learn more about them come back next week to read part 2 of this post.
If you would like to learn more about transcription services or need help with transcribing your audio or video files please reach out and let’s talk! We’d love to learn more about your transcription needs!